Forming Dataset of The Undergraduate Thesis using Simple Clustering Methods

  • Chinta 'Aliyyah Candramaya Uiversitas Jember
  • Vandha Pradwiyasma Widharta Pukyong National University
Keywords: Document Clustering, Text Mining, Relevant Term, Information Retrieval, Topic Identification


Each university collects many undergraduate theses data but has yet to process it to make it easier for students to find references as desired. This study aims to classify and compare the grouping of documents using expert and simple clustering methods. Experts have done ground truth using OR Boolean Retrieval and keyword generation. The best cluster was discovered by the experiments using the K-Means, K-Medoids, and DBSCAN clustering methods and using Euclidean, Manhattan, City Block, and Cosine Similarity metrics. The cluster with the best Silhouette Score compared to the accuracy of the categorization of each document. The K-Means clustering method and the Cosine Similarity metric gave the best results with a Silhouette Score value of 0.105534. The comparison between ground truth and the best cluster results shows an accuracy of 33.42%. The result shows that the simple clustering method cannot handle data with Negative Skewness and Leptokurtic Kurtosis.


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How to Cite
Dharmawan, T., Candramaya, C., & Widharta, V. (2023, January 31). Forming Dataset of The Undergraduate Thesis using Simple Clustering Methods. International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System, 7(01), 31-40.
Information and Computational Engineering