Analysis of Student Mentality with Rating Scale Mental Effort on Online Lecturing

  • Mira Rahayu Telkom University
  • Dino Caesaron Telkom University
  • Celline Isabel Elvira Angkuw Telkom University
  • Helena Dinda Telkom University
  • Muhammad Khalid Asyafi'i Telkom University
  • Muhammad Rifqi Fahmi Telkom University
Keywords: Online Lectures, Mental Workload, RSME, Students, E-Learning


Online lectures are distance learning carried out by all students and teachers who are in separate locations and involve multiple platforms in the implementation of online lectures. The problems experienced by students related to online lectures such as difficulties in using technology, and understanding the material so that it triggers a high mental workload from each student. This study aims to analyze the mental workload of industrial engineering students at Telkom University, Bandung. This study uses the Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME) method to determine the mental workload related to the use of technology in online lectures. In the results of measuring mental workload, using a questionnaire distributed to students with 48 respondents. Based on the results obtained, the indicator that received the highest average RSME value reached 83.75, on the work anxiety indicator. Therefore, it is necessary to improve online learning and further research.


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How to Cite
Rahayu, M., Caesaron, D., Angkuw, C., Dinda, H., Asyafi’i, M., & Fahmi, M. (2022, January 31). Analysis of Student Mentality with Rating Scale Mental Effort on Online Lecturing. International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System, 6(01), 38-49.