Design of Ruangwakaf Application Business Model using Lean Canvas

  • Divanti Syaharani Telkom University
  • Farda Hasun Telkom University
  • Praptiwi Lestiyawati Bank Syariah Indonesia
Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Production Facilities, Waqf Application, Business Model, Lean Canvas


Islamic boarding schools or pesantrens are places to learn about Islam that are spread throughout Indonesia. The community empowerment function of pesantren in economic terms still requires further development. One source of the problem is the difficulty in building business units, including in the fulfilment of production facilities due to lack of capital, so they need support from the society. However, access to information related to the need for production facilities in pesantrens is not well-reached by society. So, the solution that can be offered is to develop waqf application as a liaison between Islamic boarding schools and Indonesian society. The development of this application requires a business model design. This research aims to design the business model of a production facilities waqf application named Ruangwakaf using lean canvas. The data needed is secondary data collected from literature studies. After the data is collected, the next step is designing a business model, and then doing logical verification. To proceed with the validation process, the application mock-up is designed, and then is used for the problem and solution validation process. The validation process is carried out by interviewing early adopters. The result of this research is a lean canvas business model for the Ruangwakaf application. The unique value proposition offered to pesantren is one step to obtain capital assistance for production facilities and to the society is the easiest step to waqf. The solution provided in this application consists of five main features, those are RwWakaf, RwMart, RwStudy, RwConsult, and RwReport.


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How to Cite
Syaharani, D., Hasun, F., & Lestiyawati, P. (2024, January 31). Design of Ruangwakaf Application Business Model using Lean Canvas. International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System, 8(01), 34-59.