Uncovering True Participant Needs in SMEs Training to Enhance Training Service Quality

  • Ghanif Faoziansyah Telkom University
  • Yati Rohayati Telkom University
  • Muhammad Iqbal Telkom University
Keywords: True Participant Needs, Training Service Quality, Model Kano, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Training Dimensions


It is recognized in various countries that Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises have played an essential role in the nation's economic development. However, despite the large number of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, only a few have succeeded in developing their businesses and moving upmarket. Various efforts from various parties, both government and private, have been made to help build the competencies needed to develop Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises businesses. One way this has been done is through training, such as that conducted by Rumah BUMN Bandung. However, the data shows that the movement provided has yet to have a significant positive impact on the development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises businesses. Therefore, a study was conducted to identify the needs of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for effective training by applying the Kano Model and Training Service Quality. Data was collected by surveying Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises who attended training at Rumah BUMN Bandung. Of the 130 respondents who participated in the assessment of 15 attributes of needs, it was found that there are 11 needs referred to as "True Participant Needs" that are currently not fulfilled. Among these needs, ten attributes require improvement, while the remaining require further development. These findings are expected to overcome the gap in fulfilling Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise's needs related to effective training.


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How to Cite
Faoziansyah, G., Rohayati, Y., & Iqbal, M. (2024, January 24). Uncovering True Participant Needs in SMEs Training to Enhance Training Service Quality. International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System, 8(01), 12-21. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25124/ijies.v8i01.265